Proteomic data of Edible and King crab extracts used for skin prick testing
Protein extracts of King and edible crabs (raw meat, cooked meat, raw intestine and raw shell) were used for skin prick testing of crab processing workers. In solution tryptic digest were performed and proteins identified in each extract. This data record is a detailed list of all proteins that were identified. Software/equipment used to create/collect the data: Bio21 Proteomic facility Software/equipment used to manipulate/analyse the data: Bio21 Proteomic facility
    Data Record Details
    Data record related to this publication Proteomic data of Edible and King crab extracts used for skin prick testing
    Data Publication title Proteomic data of Edible and King crab extracts used for skin prick testing
  • Description
    Protein extracts of King and edible crabs (raw meat, cooked meat, raw intestine and raw shell) were used for skin prick testing of crab processing workers. In solution tryptic digest were performed and proteins identified in each extract. This data record is a detailed list of all proteins that were identified. Software/equipment used to create/collect the data: Bio21 Proteomic facility Software/equipment used to manipulate/analyse the data: Bio21 Proteomic facility
  • Other Descriptors
    • Descriptor
    • Descriptor type
  • Data type dataset
  • Keywords
    • allergy
    • crab
    • shellfish
    • occupational health
  • Funding source
    • National Health & Medical Research Council
  • Research grant(s)/Scheme name(s)
    • -
  • Research themes
    Industries and Economies in the Tropics
    Not aligned to a University theme
    FoR Codes (*)
    SEO Codes
    Specify spatial or temporal setting of the data
    Temporal (time) coverage
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Time Period
    Spatial (location) coverage
  • Locations
    • Townsville, Queensland, Australia
    • Tromso, Norway
    Data Locations

    Type Location Notes
    Attachment Crab extract protein data v1.xlsx MS Excel (.xlsx) format
    Attachment Crab extract protein data v1.ods Open Document (.ods) format
    The Data Manager is: Sandip Kamath
    College or Centre Australian Institute of Tropical Health & Medicine
    Access conditions Open: free access under license
  • Alternative access conditions
  • Data record size 2 files: 47.4 MB
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    Citation Kamath, Sandip; Lopata, Ludwig (2021): Proteomic data of Edible and King crab extracts used for skin prick testing. James Cook University.