Oriental Plover (Charadrius (Eupoda) veredus) - occurrence records filtered for species distribution modelling

Oriental Plover (Charadrius (Eupoda) veredus) occurrence records from continental Australia suitable for species distribution modelling.

    Data Record Details
    Data record related to this publication Oriental Plover (Charadrius (Eupoda) veredus) - occurrence records filtered for species distribution modelling
    Data Publication title Oriental Plover (Charadrius (Eupoda) veredus) - occurrence records filtered for species distribution modelling
  • Description

    Oriental Plover (Charadrius (Eupoda) veredus) occurrence records from continental Australia suitable for species distribution modelling.

  • Other Descriptors
    • Descriptor

      This dataset includes observations of Oriental Plover (Charadrius (Eupoda) veredus) that are sourced from the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) database. Rather than raw observations, these have been filtered such that they are assumed to be suitable for species distribution modelling exercises. The cleaning process included:

      1. automatic vetting based on the ALA's 'assertions' whereby observations were assessed as inappropriate for modelling (ie. 'ZERO_COORDINATES', 'INVALID SCIENTIFIC NAME');
      2. determining if the observations fell within expert-derived range polygons. These polygons were supplied by BirdLife Australia to represent, for each species, its core breeding habitat, non-breeding, historic, irruptive, or invasive ranges. Records that fall outside these ranges were marked as inappropriate for modelling; and
      3. human-derived classification of records after previous two assessments. Through the Edgar project (http://tropicaldatahub.org/goto/edgar), users were able to map all species observations and comment on the suitability of records for distribution modelling. This included records deemed inappropriate by other means.

        Every 6 months the occurrence record download file is updated to reflect recent vetting by experts. In the data download, sensitive records have been obfuscated by truncating the lat/long to two decimal places. Obfuscated records will be indicated in the data file. Access to the accurate data will need to be arranged with the original data owners - contact the ALA for more information.

        The resulting downloadable file of occurrence records reflects which records are suitable for species distribution modelling.

    • Descriptor type Full
    • Descriptor

      Data is downloadable as a zipped CSV file.

      These occurrence records are displayed on Edgar: http://tropicaldatahub.org/goto/Edgar.

    • Descriptor type Note
  • Data type dataset
  • Keywords
    • species occurrence records
  • Funding source
  • Research grant(s)/Scheme name(s)
  • Research themes
    Tropical Ecosystems, Conservation and Climate Change
    FoR Codes (*)
    SEO Codes
    Specify spatial or temporal setting of the data
    Temporal (time) coverage
  • Start Date 1900/01/01
  • End Date
  • Time Period
    Spatial (location) coverage
  • Locations
    • Continental Australia
    Select or add a licence for the data
    The data will be licensed under CC BY: Attribution 3.0 AU
  • Other Licence
  • Statement of rights in data
  • Data owners
    Citation Vanderwal, Jeremy (2013): Oriental Plover (Charadrius (Eupoda) veredus) - occurrence records filtered for species distribution modelling . Centre for Tropical Biodiversity & Climate Change, James Cook University. https://research.jcu.edu.au/data/published/cb93ff26cf781f60ee61bf03baee920f