—————————– Supplementary information to —————————-


——– Jeff C. Clements, Josefin Sundin, Timothy D. Clark, Fredrik Jutfelt ———-

Get packages
## Warning: package 'pacman' was built under R version 4.1.2
pacman::p_load(metafor, MCMCglmm, tidyverse, rotl, magrittr, kableExtra, rmarkdown,gridExtra, psych, bindrcpp, pander)
## Warning: package 'BiocManager' was built under R version 4.1.2
## Bioconductor version '3.14' is out-of-date; the current release version '3.15'
##   is available with R version '4.2'; see https://bioconductor.org/install
## Loading required package: viridisLite
## Warning: package 'patchwork' was built under R version 4.1.2

##attach dataset

decline<-read.csv(file.choose()) ##use dataset "S5 Data"
##   obs study      authors year.online year.print if.at.pub X2017.if if.group
## 1   1    a1 Munday et al        2009       2009     9.432    9.504        J
## 2   2    a1 Munday et al        2009       2009     9.432    9.504        J
## 3   3    a1 Munday et al        2009       2009     9.432    9.504        J
## 4   4    a1 Munday et al        2009       2009     9.432    9.504        J
## 5   5    a1 Munday et al        2009       2009     9.432    9.504        J
## 6   6    a1 Munday et al        2009       2009     9.432    9.504        J
##   avg.n            species climate cue cue.type life.stage ctrl.n ctrl.mean
## 1    27 Amphiprion percula    Trop Yes  Habitat     Larvae     26    94.129
## 2    NA Amphiprion percula    Trop Yes  Habitat     Larvae     20     0.783
## 3    NA Amphiprion percula    Trop Yes  Habitat     Larvae     20    46.380
## 4    NA Amphiprion percula    Trop Yes  Habitat     Larvae     10    98.826
## 5    NA Amphiprion percula    Trop Yes      Kin     Larvae     30     0.912
## 6    NA Amphiprion percula    Trop Yes      Kin     Larvae     30    90.876
##     ctrl.sd oa.n oa.mean        oa.sd
## 1  2.993124   46  72.789 13.273019780
## 2  3.501682   46  83.562 10.621128750
## 3 14.002258   46  71.429 13.273019780
## 4  1.856257   16  88.258  7.044000000
## 5  2.996042   20  99.818  0.004472136
## 6  3.998375   20  99.818  0.004472136

##set factors


##view summary

##       obs          study       authors           year.online    year.print 
##  1      :  1   a3     : 48   Length:786         2018   :153   2018   :173  
##  2      :  1   a87    : 40   Class :character   2015   :105   2015   : 95  
##  3      :  1   a90    : 36   Mode  :character   2017   : 85   2016   : 82  
##  4      :  1   a31    : 28                      2014   : 83   2013   : 78  
##  5      :  1   a22    : 24                      2012   : 79   2012   : 71  
##  6      :  1   a73    : 22                      2016   : 57   2017   : 71  
##  (Other):780   (Other):588                      (Other):224   (Other):216  
##   if.at.pub           X2017.if           if.group             avg.n      
##  Length:786         Length:786         Length:786         Min.   :  4.0  
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   1st Qu.: 12.0  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Median : 18.0  
##                                                           Mean   : 32.2  
##                                                           3rd Qu.: 30.0  
##                                                           Max.   :568.0  
##                                                           NA's   :691    
##    species            climate              cue              cue.type        
##  Length:786         Length:786         Length:786         Length:786        
##  Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
##  Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
##   life.stage            ctrl.n         ctrl.mean            ctrl.sd         
##  Length:786         Min.   :  3.00   Min.   :   -69.78   Min.   :    0.000  
##  Class :character   1st Qu.: 10.00   1st Qu.:     1.18   1st Qu.:    1.130  
##  Mode  :character   Median : 18.00   Median :     9.98   Median :    5.402  
##                     Mean   : 29.12   Mean   :   454.59   Mean   :  107.674  
##                     3rd Qu.: 30.00   3rd Qu.:    45.29   3rd Qu.:   21.646  
##                     Max.   :752.00   Max.   :154936.88   Max.   :25490.446  
##       oa.n           oa.mean              oa.sd         
##  Min.   :  2.00   Min.   :   -59.67   Min.   :    0.00  
##  1st Qu.: 10.00   1st Qu.:     1.38   1st Qu.:    1.08  
##  Median : 18.00   Median :    13.58   Median :    7.02  
##  Mean   : 29.02   Mean   :   454.15   Mean   :  117.90  
##  3rd Qu.: 34.00   3rd Qu.:    44.43   3rd Qu.:   22.00  
##  Max.   :755.00   Max.   :157061.25   Max.   :36812.37  

##subset by year

y2009 <- filter(decline, year.online == "2009")[,-match(c("avg.n","cue.type","if.at.pub","X2017.if","if.group"), colnames (decline))]
y2009$obs <- 1:nrow(y2009)
y2010 <- filter(decline, year.online == "2010")[,-match(c("avg.n","cue.type","if.at.pub","X2017.if","if.group"), colnames (decline))]
y2010$obs <- 1:nrow(y2010)
y2011 <- filter(decline, year.online == "2011")[,-match(c("avg.n","cue.type","if.at.pub","X2017.if","if.group"), colnames (decline))]
y2011$obs <- 1:nrow(y2011)
y2012 <- filter(decline, year.online == "2012")[,-match(c("avg.n","cue.type","if.at.pub","X2017.if","if.group"), colnames (decline))]
y2012$obs <- 1:nrow(y2012)
y2013 <- filter(decline, year.online == "2013")[,-match(c("avg.n","cue.type","if.at.pub","X2017.if","if.group"), colnames (decline))]
y2013$obs <- 1:nrow(y2013)
y2014 <- filter(decline, year.online == "2014")[,-match(c("avg.n","cue.type","if.at.pub","X2017.if","if.group"), colnames (decline))]
y2014$obs <- 1:nrow(y2014)
y2015 <- filter(decline, year.online == "2015")[,-match(c("avg.n","cue.type","if.at.pub","X2017.if","if.group"), colnames (decline))]
y2015$obs <- 1:nrow(y2015)
y2016 <- filter(decline, year.online == "2016")[,-match(c("avg.n","cue.type","if.at.pub","X2017.if","if.group"), colnames (decline))]
y2016$obs <- 1:nrow(y2016)
y2017 <- filter(decline, year.online == "2017")[,-match(c("avg.n","cue.type","if.at.pub","X2017.if","if.group"), colnames (decline))]
y2017$obs <- 1:nrow(y2017)
y2018 <- filter(decline, year.online == "2018")[,-match(c("avg.n","cue.type","if.at.pub","X2017.if","if.group"), colnames (decline))]
y2018$obs <- 1:nrow(y2018)
y2019 <- filter(decline, year.online == "2019")[,-match(c("avg.n","cue.type","if.at.pub","X2017.if","if.group"), colnames (decline))]
y2019$obs <- 1:nrow(y2019)

##comupte effect sizes for each year

lnRR2009 <- escalc(measure= "ROM", m1i=oa.mean,sd1i=oa.sd,n1i=oa.n,m2i=ctrl.mean,sd2i=ctrl.sd,n2i=ctrl.n,data=y2009,append=TRUE)
lnRR2010 <- escalc(measure= "ROM", m1i=oa.mean,sd1i=oa.sd,n1i=oa.n,m2i=ctrl.mean,sd2i=ctrl.sd,n2i=ctrl.n,data=y2010,append=TRUE)
lnRR2011 <- escalc(measure= "ROM", m1i=oa.mean,sd1i=oa.sd,n1i=oa.n,m2i=ctrl.mean,sd2i=ctrl.sd,n2i=ctrl.n,data=y2011,append=TRUE)
lnRR2012 <- escalc(measure= "ROM", m1i=oa.mean,sd1i=oa.sd,n1i=oa.n,m2i=ctrl.mean,sd2i=ctrl.sd,n2i=ctrl.n,data=y2012,append=TRUE)
lnRR2013 <- escalc(measure= "ROM", m1i=oa.mean,sd1i=oa.sd,n1i=oa.n,m2i=ctrl.mean,sd2i=ctrl.sd,n2i=ctrl.n,data=y2013,append=TRUE)
lnRR2014 <- escalc(measure= "ROM", m1i=oa.mean,sd1i=oa.sd,n1i=oa.n,m2i=ctrl.mean,sd2i=ctrl.sd,n2i=ctrl.n,data=y2014,append=TRUE)
lnRR2015 <- escalc(measure= "ROM", m1i=oa.mean,sd1i=oa.sd,n1i=oa.n,m2i=ctrl.mean,sd2i=ctrl.sd,n2i=ctrl.n,data=y2015,append=TRUE)
lnRR2016 <- escalc(measure= "ROM", m1i=oa.mean,sd1i=oa.sd,n1i=oa.n,m2i=ctrl.mean,sd2i=ctrl.sd,n2i=ctrl.n,data=y2016,append=TRUE)
lnRR2017 <- escalc(measure= "ROM", m1i=oa.mean,sd1i=oa.sd,n1i=oa.n,m2i=ctrl.mean,sd2i=ctrl.sd,n2i=ctrl.n,data=y2017,append=TRUE)
lnRR2018 <- escalc(measure= "ROM", m1i=oa.mean,sd1i=oa.sd,n1i=oa.n,m2i=ctrl.mean,sd2i=ctrl.sd,n2i=ctrl.n,data=y2018,append=TRUE)
lnRR2019 <- escalc(measure= "ROM", m1i=oa.mean,sd1i=oa.sd,n1i=oa.n,m2i=ctrl.mean,sd2i=ctrl.sd,n2i=ctrl.n,data=y2019,append=TRUE)

#Note log(m1i/m21i) produced NAs for 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017

##remove NAs


##view mean-variance relationship

pp1<-ggplot(decline,aes(x=log(ctrl.mean),y=log(ctrl.sd),col=year.online))+ geom_point(size=2,na.rm = TRUE)
pp2<-ggplot(decline,aes(x=log(oa.mean),y=log(oa.sd),col=year.online))+ geom_point(size=2,na.rm = TRUE)
pp1 #Note added
## Warning in log(ctrl.mean): NaNs produced

## Warning in log(ctrl.mean): NaNs produced

pp2 #Note added
## Warning in log(oa.mean): NaNs produced
## Warning in log(oa.mean): NaNs produced

grid.arrange(pp1,pp2, nrow =1)
## Warning in log(ctrl.mean): NaNs produced
## Warning in log(ctrl.mean): NaNs produced
## Warning in log(oa.mean): NaNs produced

## Warning in log(oa.mean): NaNs produced

#Note there are a number of NAs created due the the log of a negative being not computible

##look at lnRR by year

MLMA_2009_lnRR <- rma.mv(yi ~ 1, V = vi, random=~1|obs, data=lnRR2009)
## Warning: Ratio of largest to smallest sampling variance extremely large. May not
## be able to obtain stable results.
## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 19; method: REML)
##   logLik  Deviance       AIC       BIC      AICc 
## -39.8746   79.7493   83.7493   85.5300   84.5493   
## Variance Components:
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor 
## sigma^2    4.7709  2.1842     19     no     obs 
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 18) = 4124865078.0293, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate      se    zval    pval   ci.lb   ci.ub 
##   1.2647  0.5046  2.5062  0.0122  0.2757  2.2538  * 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
MLMA_2010_lnRR <- rma.mv(yi ~ 1, V = vi, random=~1|obs, data=lnRR2010)
## Warning: Ratio of largest to smallest sampling variance extremely large. May not
## be able to obtain stable results.
## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 48; method: REML)
##   logLik  Deviance       AIC       BIC      AICc 
## -91.7106  183.4213  187.4213  191.1216  187.6940   
## Variance Components:
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor 
## sigma^2    2.8052  1.6749     48     no     obs 
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 47) = 1407483.9857, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate      se    zval    pval   ci.lb   ci.ub 
##   1.6112  0.2473  6.5150  <.0001  1.1265  2.0959  *** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
MLMA_2011_lnRR <- rma.mv(yi ~ 1, V = vi, random=~1|obs, data=lnRR2011)
## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 51; method: REML)
##   logLik  Deviance       AIC       BIC      AICc 
## -45.9064   91.8128   95.8128   99.6368   96.0681   
## Variance Components:
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor 
## sigma^2    0.1494  0.3865     51     no     obs 
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 50) = 230.2425, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate      se     zval    pval    ci.lb   ci.ub 
##  -0.0421  0.0715  -0.5886  0.5561  -0.1823  0.0981    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
MLMA_2012_lnRR <- rma.mv(yi ~ 1, V = vi, random=~1|obs, data=lnRR2012)
## Warning: Ratio of largest to smallest sampling variance extremely large. May not
## be able to obtain stable results.
## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 79; method: REML)
##    logLik   Deviance        AIC        BIC       AICc 
## -140.8044   281.6089   285.6089   290.3223   285.7689   
## Variance Components:
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor 
## sigma^2    1.2981  1.1393     79     no     obs 
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 78) = 29286.6213, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate      se    zval    pval    ci.lb   ci.ub 
##   0.1285  0.1401  0.9170  0.3591  -0.1461  0.4031    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
MLMA_2013_lnRR <- rma.mv(yi ~ 1, V = vi, random=~1|obs, data=lnRR2013)
## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 54; method: REML)
##   logLik  Deviance       AIC       BIC      AICc 
## -90.0219  180.0438  184.0438  187.9844  184.2838   
## Variance Components:
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor 
## sigma^2    1.0503  1.0248     54     no     obs 
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 53) = 488.4906, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate      se     zval    pval    ci.lb    ci.ub 
##  -0.4760  0.1668  -2.8534  0.0043  -0.8029  -0.1490  ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
MLMA_2014_lnRR <- rma.mv(yi ~ 1, V = vi, random=~1|obs, data=lnRR2014)
## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 83; method: REML)
##    logLik   Deviance        AIC        BIC       AICc 
## -160.6395   321.2790   325.2790   330.0925   325.4309   
## Variance Components:
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor 
## sigma^2    2.7935  1.6714     83     no     obs 
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 82) = 631228.7966, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate      se     zval    pval    ci.lb   ci.ub 
##  -0.2355  0.1869  -1.2601  0.2076  -0.6018  0.1308    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
MLMA_2015_lnRR <- rma.mv(yi ~ 1, V = vi, random=~1|obs, data=lnRR2015)
## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 105; method: REML)
##   logLik  Deviance       AIC       BIC      AICc 
## -77.7151  155.4302  159.4302  164.7190  159.5490   
## Variance Components:
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor 
## sigma^2    0.0887  0.2979    105     no     obs 
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 104) = 368.7129, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate      se     zval    pval    ci.lb    ci.ub 
##  -0.0936  0.0410  -2.2806  0.0226  -0.1740  -0.0132  * 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
MLMA_2016_lnRR <- rma.mv(yi ~ 1, V = vi, random=~1|obs, data=lnRR2016)
## Warning: Ratio of largest to smallest sampling variance extremely large. May not
## be able to obtain stable results.
## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 57; method: REML)
##   logLik  Deviance       AIC       BIC      AICc 
## -43.5933   87.1866   91.1866   95.2373   91.4130   
## Variance Components:
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor 
## sigma^2    0.2241  0.4734     57     no     obs 
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 56) = 70900.5484, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate      se     zval    pval    ci.lb   ci.ub 
##  -0.0350  0.0672  -0.5211  0.6023  -0.1666  0.0966    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
MLMA_2017_lnRR <- rma.mv(yi ~ 1, V = vi, random=~1|obs, data=lnRR2017)
## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 85; method: REML)
##   logLik  Deviance       AIC       BIC      AICc 
## -61.0486  122.0972  126.0972  130.9589  126.2454   
## Variance Components:
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor 
## sigma^2    0.1465  0.3828     85     no     obs 
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 84) = 2256.3271, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate      se    zval    pval    ci.lb   ci.ub 
##   0.0186  0.0493  0.3777  0.7057  -0.0780  0.1152    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
MLMA_2018_lnRR <- rma.mv(yi ~ 1, V = vi, random=~1|obs, data=lnRR2018)
## Warning: Ratio of largest to smallest sampling variance extremely large. May not
## be able to obtain stable results.
## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 153; method: REML)
##    logLik   Deviance        AIC        BIC       AICc 
## -239.3455   478.6911   482.6911   488.7388   482.7716   
## Variance Components:
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor 
## sigma^2    0.7201  0.8486    153     no     obs 
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 152) = 1572.6246, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate      se     zval    pval    ci.lb   ci.ub 
##  -0.0315  0.0755  -0.4172  0.6765  -0.1794  0.1164    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
MLMA_2019_lnRR <- rma.mv(yi ~ 1, V = vi, random=~1|obs, data=lnRR2019)
## Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 52; method: REML)
##   logLik  Deviance       AIC       BIC      AICc 
## -47.0733   94.1465   98.1465  102.0102   98.3965   
## Variance Components:
##             estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor 
## sigma^2    0.1813  0.4258     52     no     obs 
## Test for Heterogeneity:
## Q(df = 51) = 302.1940, p-val < .0001
## Model Results:
## estimate      se     zval    pval    ci.lb   ci.ub 
##  -0.0709  0.0646  -1.0963  0.2730  -0.1976  0.0558    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

##set prior

prior <- list(R=list(V = 1, nu =0.002), G = list(G = list(V=1, nu = 0.002)))

##run bayesian MLMA models

model_magnitude_bayes_2009 <- MCMCglmm(yi ~ 1, mev = lnRR2009clean$vi, random = ~obs, data = lnRR2009clean, prior = prior, burnin = 10000, nitt = 1000000, thin = 100, verbose = FALSE)
model_magnitude_bayes_2010 <- MCMCglmm(yi ~ 1, mev = lnRR2010clean$vi, random = ~obs, data = lnRR2010clean, prior = prior, burnin = 10000, nitt = 1000000, thin = 100, verbose = FALSE)
model_magnitude_bayes_2011 <- MCMCglmm(yi ~ 1, mev = lnRR2011clean$vi, random = ~obs, data = lnRR2011clean, prior = prior, burnin = 10000, nitt = 1000000, thin = 100, verbose = FALSE)
model_magnitude_bayes_2012 <- MCMCglmm(yi ~ 1, mev = lnRR2012clean$vi, random = ~obs, data = lnRR2012clean, prior = prior, burnin = 10000, nitt = 1000000, thin = 100, verbose = FALSE)
model_magnitude_bayes_2013 <- MCMCglmm(yi ~ 1, mev = lnRR2013clean$vi, random = ~obs, data = lnRR2013clean, prior = prior, burnin = 10000, nitt = 1000000, thin = 100, verbose = FALSE)
model_magnitude_bayes_2014 <- MCMCglmm(yi ~ 1, mev = lnRR2014clean$vi, random = ~obs, data = lnRR2014clean, prior = prior, burnin = 10000, nitt = 1000000, thin = 100, verbose = FALSE)
model_magnitude_bayes_2015 <- MCMCglmm(yi ~ 1, mev = lnRR2015clean$vi, random = ~obs, data = lnRR2015clean, prior = prior, burnin = 10000, nitt = 1000000, thin = 100, verbose = FALSE)
model_magnitude_bayes_2016 <- MCMCglmm(yi ~ 1, mev = lnRR2016clean$vi, random = ~obs, data = lnRR2016clean, prior = prior, burnin = 10000, nitt = 1000000, thin = 100, verbose = FALSE)
model_magnitude_bayes_2017 <- MCMCglmm(yi ~ 1, mev = lnRR2017clean$vi, random = ~obs, data = lnRR2017clean, prior = prior, burnin = 10000, nitt = 1000000, thin = 100, verbose = FALSE)
model_magnitude_bayes_2018 <- MCMCglmm(yi ~ 1, mev = lnRR2018clean$vi, random = ~obs, data = lnRR2018clean, prior = prior, burnin = 10000, nitt = 1000000, thin = 100, verbose = FALSE)
model_magnitude_bayes_2019 <- MCMCglmm(yi ~ 1, mev = lnRR2019clean$vi, random = ~obs, data = lnRR2019clean, prior = prior, burnin = 10000, nitt = 1000000, thin = 100, verbose = FALSE)

##get model summaries

##  Iterations = 10001:999901
##  Thinning interval  = 100
##  Sample size  = 9900 
##  DIC: 28.27594 
##  G-structure:  ~obs
##     post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## obs     2.659 0.000259    7.611     3633
##  R-structure:  ~units
##       post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## units     2.802 0.0002693     7.75     3553
##  Location effects: yi ~ 1 
##             post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp pMCMC  
## (Intercept)    1.2706   0.1692   2.3245     9900 0.023 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##  Iterations = 10001:999901
##  Thinning interval  = 100
##  Sample size  = 9900 
##  DIC: 61.86536 
##  G-structure:  ~obs
##     post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## obs      1.42 0.0002268    3.574     1569
##  R-structure:  ~units
##       post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## units     1.536 0.0001289    3.611     1557
##  Location effects: yi ~ 1 
##             post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp  pMCMC    
## (Intercept)     1.610    1.082    2.082     9900 <1e-04 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##  Iterations = 10001:999901
##  Thinning interval  = 100
##  Sample size  = 9900 
##  DIC: -23.34581 
##  G-structure:  ~obs
##     post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## obs   0.08101 0.0001905   0.2062     4172
##  R-structure:  ~units
##       post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## units   0.08029 0.0002114   0.2112     4079
##  Location effects: yi ~ 1 
##             post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp pMCMC
## (Intercept)   -0.0438  -0.1847   0.1062    10289 0.544
##  Iterations = 10001:999901
##  Thinning interval  = 100
##  Sample size  = 9900 
##  DIC: 47.54552 
##  G-structure:  ~obs
##     post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## obs    0.6827 0.000195    1.599     1123
##  R-structure:  ~units
##       post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## units    0.6691 0.0001668    1.595     1006
##  Location effects: yi ~ 1 
##             post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp pMCMC
## (Intercept)    0.1283  -0.1434   0.4064    10706  0.36
##  Iterations = 10001:999901
##  Thinning interval  = 100
##  Sample size  = 9900 
##  DIC: 36.48124 
##  G-structure:  ~obs
##     post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## obs     0.555 0.0001867    1.417     1791
##  R-structure:  ~units
##       post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## units    0.5606 0.000167    1.413     1754
##  Location effects: yi ~ 1 
##             post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp   pMCMC   
## (Intercept)   -0.4762  -0.8167  -0.1459     9900 0.00545 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##  Iterations = 10001:999901
##  Thinning interval  = 100
##  Sample size  = 9900 
##  DIC: 77.35283 
##  G-structure:  ~obs
##     post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## obs     1.518 0.0002018    3.359      814
##  R-structure:  ~units
##       post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## units     1.359 0.0001839    3.313    791.2
##  Location effects: yi ~ 1 
##             post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp pMCMC
## (Intercept)   -0.2378  -0.6242   0.1167    10456  0.21
##  Iterations = 10001:999901
##  Thinning interval  = 100
##  Sample size  = 9900 
##  DIC: -73.11003 
##  G-structure:  ~obs
##     post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## obs   0.04596 0.0002392   0.1101     2346
##  R-structure:  ~units
##       post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## units   0.04676 0.0002263   0.1112     2292
##  Location effects: yi ~ 1 
##             post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp  pMCMC  
## (Intercept)  -0.09414 -0.17685 -0.01392     9900 0.0285 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
##  Iterations = 10001:999901
##  Thinning interval  = 100
##  Sample size  = 9900 
##  DIC: -13.87133 
##  G-structure:  ~obs
##     post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## obs    0.1137 0.0001629   0.2804     2779
##  R-structure:  ~units
##       post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## units    0.1222 0.000244   0.2848     2684
##  Location effects: yi ~ 1 
##             post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp pMCMC
## (Intercept)  -0.03504 -0.17203  0.09686     9614 0.616
##  Iterations = 10001:999901
##  Thinning interval  = 100
##  Sample size  = 9900 
##  DIC: -42.47058 
##  G-structure:  ~obs
##     post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## obs   0.07661 0.000212   0.1778     2331
##  R-structure:  ~units
##       post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## units   0.07587 0.0002645   0.1794     2250
##  Location effects: yi ~ 1 
##             post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp pMCMC
## (Intercept)   0.01865 -0.07795  0.11676     9900 0.705
##  Iterations = 10001:999901
##  Thinning interval  = 100
##  Sample size  = 9900 
##  DIC: 41.78039 
##  G-structure:  ~obs
##     post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## obs    0.3704 0.000198   0.8555    657.1
##  R-structure:  ~units
##       post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## units    0.3656 0.0001915   0.8498    646.5
##  Location effects: yi ~ 1 
##             post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp pMCMC
## (Intercept)  -0.03203 -0.18365  0.11260     9900 0.667
##  Iterations = 10001:999901
##  Thinning interval  = 100
##  Sample size  = 9900 
##  DIC: -21.18473 
##  G-structure:  ~obs
##     post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## obs   0.09608 0.0002071   0.2462     3660
##  R-structure:  ~units
##       post.mean  l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp
## units   0.09791 0.0001411   0.2488     3608
##  Location effects: yi ~ 1 
##             post.mean l-95% CI u-95% CI eff.samp pMCMC
## (Intercept)  -0.07209 -0.20003  0.06000     9900 0.267

##extract posteriors

sol2009 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2009$Sol
VCV2009 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2009$VCV[,-match("sqrt(mev):sqrt(mev).meta", colnames(model_magnitude_bayes_2009$VCV))]
sol2010 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2010$Sol 
VCV2010 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2010$VCV[,-match("sqrt(mev):sqrt(mev).meta", colnames(model_magnitude_bayes_2010$VCV))]
sol2011 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2011$Sol 
VCV2011 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2011$VCV[,-match("sqrt(mev):sqrt(mev).meta", colnames(model_magnitude_bayes_2011$VCV))]
sol2012 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2012$Sol 
VCV2012 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2012$VCV[,-match("sqrt(mev):sqrt(mev).meta", colnames(model_magnitude_bayes_2012$VCV))]
sol2013 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2013$Sol 
VCV2013 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2013$VCV[,-match("sqrt(mev):sqrt(mev).meta", colnames(model_magnitude_bayes_2013$VCV))]
sol2014 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2014$Sol 
VCV2014 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2014$VCV[,-match("sqrt(mev):sqrt(mev).meta", colnames(model_magnitude_bayes_2014$VCV))]
sol2015 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2015$Sol 
VCV2015 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2015$VCV[,-match("sqrt(mev):sqrt(mev).meta", colnames(model_magnitude_bayes_2015$VCV))]
sol2016 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2016$Sol 
VCV2016 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2016$VCV[,-match("sqrt(mev):sqrt(mev).meta", colnames(model_magnitude_bayes_2016$VCV))]
sol2017 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2017$Sol 
VCV2017 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2017$VCV[,-match("sqrt(mev):sqrt(mev).meta", colnames(model_magnitude_bayes_2017$VCV))]
sol2018 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2018$Sol 
VCV2018 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2018$VCV[,-match("sqrt(mev):sqrt(mev).meta", colnames(model_magnitude_bayes_2018$VCV))]
sol2019 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2019$Sol 
VCV2019 <- model_magnitude_bayes_2019$VCV[,-match("sqrt(mev):sqrt(mev).meta", colnames(model_magnitude_bayes_2019$VCV))]

##get folded normal function

mu.fnorm <- function(mu, sigma){dnorm(mu, 0, sigma)*2*sigma^2 + mu*(2*pnorm(mu, 0, sigma) -1)}

##get magnitude means + variance

magnitude_mean_2009 <- mu.fnorm(sol2009[,1], sqrt(rowSums(VCV2009)))
magnitude_2009_mean <- data.frame(mean_mag = mean(magnitude_mean_2009), L_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2009)[1], U_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2009)[2])
magnitude_mean_2010 <- mu.fnorm(sol2010[,1], sqrt(rowSums(VCV2010)))
magnitude_2010_mean <- data.frame(mean_mag = mean(magnitude_mean_2010), L_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2010)[1], U_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2010)[2])
magnitude_mean_2011 <- mu.fnorm(sol2011[,1], sqrt(rowSums(VCV2011)))
magnitude_2011_mean <- data.frame(mean_mag = mean(magnitude_mean_2011), L_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2011)[1], U_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2011)[2])
magnitude_mean_2012 <- mu.fnorm(sol2012[,1], sqrt(rowSums(VCV2012)))
magnitude_2012_mean <- data.frame(mean_mag = mean(magnitude_mean_2012), L_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2012)[1], U_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2012)[2])
magnitude_mean_2013 <- mu.fnorm(sol2013[,1], sqrt(rowSums(VCV2013)))
magnitude_2013_mean <- data.frame(mean_mag = mean(magnitude_mean_2013), L_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2013)[1], U_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2013)[2])
magnitude_mean_2014 <- mu.fnorm(sol2014[,1], sqrt(rowSums(VCV2014)))
magnitude_2014_mean <- data.frame(mean_mag = mean(magnitude_mean_2014), L_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2014)[1], U_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2014)[2])
magnitude_mean_2015 <- mu.fnorm(sol2015[,1], sqrt(rowSums(VCV2015)))
magnitude_2015_mean <- data.frame(mean_mag = mean(magnitude_mean_2015), L_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2015)[1], U_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2015)[2])
magnitude_mean_2016 <- mu.fnorm(sol2016[,1], sqrt(rowSums(VCV2016)))
magnitude_2016_mean <- data.frame(mean_mag = mean(magnitude_mean_2016), L_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2016)[1], U_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2016)[2])
magnitude_mean_2017 <- mu.fnorm(sol2017[,1], sqrt(rowSums(VCV2017)))
magnitude_2017_mean <- data.frame(mean_mag = mean(magnitude_mean_2017), L_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2017)[1], U_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2017)[2])
magnitude_mean_2018 <- mu.fnorm(sol2018[,1], sqrt(rowSums(VCV2018)))
magnitude_2018_mean <- data.frame(mean_mag = mean(magnitude_mean_2018), L_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2018)[1], U_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2018)[2])
magnitude_mean_2019 <- mu.fnorm(sol2019[,1], sqrt(rowSums(VCV2019)))
magnitude_2019_mean <- data.frame(mean_mag = mean(magnitude_mean_2019), L_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2019)[1], U_CI = HPDinterval(magnitude_mean_2019)[2])

##view ES magnitudes and uncertainty

##   mean_mag    L_CI     U_CI
## 1 2.155917 1.51345 2.944685
##   mean_mag     L_CI     U_CI
## 1 1.942219 1.603662 2.340314
##    mean_mag      L_CI      U_CI
## 1 0.3235872 0.2284763 0.4297653
##    mean_mag      L_CI     U_CI
## 1 0.9361546 0.7737921 1.109606
##   mean_mag      L_CI     U_CI
## 1 0.930908 0.7048132 1.174766
##   mean_mag     L_CI     U_CI
## 1 1.370546 1.160897 1.602833
##    mean_mag      L_CI      U_CI
## 1 0.2548412 0.1960068 0.3185613
##    mean_mag     L_CI      U_CI
## 1 0.3898139 0.309126 0.4867337
##    mean_mag      L_CI      U_CI
## 1 0.3126173 0.2439792 0.3788015
##    mean_mag     L_CI      U_CI
## 1 0.6851321 0.569097 0.7940021
##   mean_mag      L_CI      U_CI
## 1 0.355811 0.2564671 0.4710019

#Note Code below not in original. Made to allow a data frame to be constructed and plotted from.

magnitudedata = rbind(magnitude_2009_mean, magnitude_2010_mean, magnitude_2011_mean, magnitude_2012_mean, magnitude_2013_mean, magnitude_2014_mean, magnitude_2015_mean, magnitude_2016_mean, magnitude_2017_mean, magnitude_2018_mean, magnitude_2019_mean)
yearlabel = c("2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018", "2019")
magnitudedata = cbind(yearlabel, magnitudedata )
##    yearlabel  mean_mag      L_CI      U_CI
## 1       2009 2.1559172 1.5134499 2.9446848
## 2       2010 1.9422194 1.6036623 2.3403140
## 3       2011 0.3235872 0.2284763 0.4297653
## 4       2012 0.9361546 0.7737921 1.1096062
## 5       2013 0.9309080 0.7048132 1.1747663
## 6       2014 1.3705457 1.1608971 1.6028332
## 7       2015 0.2548412 0.1960068 0.3185613
## 8       2016 0.3898139 0.3091260 0.4867337
## 9       2017 0.3126173 0.2439792 0.3788015
## 10      2018 0.6851321 0.5690970 0.7940021
## 11      2019 0.3558110 0.2564671 0.4710019

#Note Plot from above model was not included in the original code. This has been built from scratch. Should be the same as Fig 1B

Decline_magnitude<-ggplot(magnitudedata,aes(x=yearlabel, y=mean_mag, colour=yearlabel))  + geom_line(aes(group=1)) + scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE)+ geom_point(size=3) +  geom_errorbar(aes (ymin = L_CI, ymax = U_CI), width=0.2) +  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 15, by = 1), minor_breaks = NULL, limits=c(0,8),labels = scales::number_format(accuracy = 0.1)) +  theme(legend.position = "none") + xlab("Year of publication online") + ylab("Effect size magnitude (lnRR)")  + theme_minimal(12) + theme(panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA, size=1)) + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(axis.ticks=element_line()) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust=1))+ geom_hline(yintercept = 0) 


ggsave(Decline_magnitude, filename = 'Decline magnitude corrected and complete model 1 for smallest.png', device=png,  width = 4.2, height = 4.6, units = "in", res = 800)

##attach dataset

decline_allobs<-read.csv(file.choose()) ##use dataset "S10 Data"
## The following objects are masked from decline:
##     ctrl.n, obs, study, year.online, year.print
##       obs           study            year.online     year.print  
##  Min.   :  1.0   Length:839         Min.   :2009   Min.   :2009  
##  1st Qu.:210.5   Class :character   1st Qu.:2012   1st Qu.:2013  
##  Median :420.0   Mode  :character   Median :2015   Median :2015  
##  Mean   :420.0                      Mean   :2015   Mean   :2015  
##  3rd Qu.:629.5                      3rd Qu.:2017   3rd Qu.:2018  
##  Max.   :839.0                      Max.   :2019   Max.   :2019  
##      ctrl.n          lnrr.mag     
##  Min.   :  3.00   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.: 10.00   1st Qu.:0.1020  
##  Median : 18.00   Median :0.2806  
##  Mean   : 28.77   Mean   :0.7569  
##  3rd Qu.: 30.00   3rd Qu.:0.8243  
##  Max.   :752.00   Max.   :8.4360  
##                   NA's   :53

##Create plot

#Note I had to fix the specifications of the scale continuous both x and y Original below not working: scale_x_continuous(breaks = round(seq(min(study\(Year), max(study\)Year), by = 1),1)) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = round(seq(min(study$lnrr), 15, by = 1),1)) #Note Code given did not produce a graph that looked exactly the same as in the figures of the paper. Changes to aesthetics were add to make it look the same as the published version.

Decline_studies_loess<-ggplot(decline_allobs,aes(x=year.online, y=lnrr.mag, color=study)) + geom_smooth(method="loess", se=TRUE, fullrange=TRUE, level=0.95,color="black") + geom_point(size=ctrl.n*0.03,alpha=0.6) + scale_size(range = c(1, 2), name="Sample size")+ scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE)+ xlab("Year of publication online")+ylab("Effect size magnitude (lnRR)") + scale_x_continuous(breaks = round(seq(min(2009), max(2019), by = 1),1)) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 14, by = 1), minor_breaks = NULL, limits=c(-1,14),labels = scales::number_format(accuracy = 0.1)) + theme_minimal(12) + theme(legend.position = "none") + theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank())  + theme(panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA, size=1)) + theme(legend.position = "none")+ theme(axis.ticks=element_line()) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust=1))+ geom_hline(yintercept = 0)

## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
## Warning: Removed 53 rows containing non-finite values (stat_smooth).
## Warning: Removed 53 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

ggsave(Decline_studies_loess, filename = 'Decline magnitude corrected and complete lnRR 1 for smallest.png', device=png,  width = 4.2, height = 4.6, units = "in", res = 800)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
## Warning: Removed 53 rows containing non-finite values (stat_smooth).
## Warning: Removed 53 rows containing missing values (geom_point).