## metadata.csv ## Squid = individual ID for each individual squid CO2 = CO2 treatment level. Two levels: Ambient (same as current-day, ~450 µatm) and Elevated (~1,000 µatm) Active_time_s = Time squid spent active throughout the behavioural trial (in seconds) Dist = Total distance moved by squid throughout behavioural trial (in centimetres) Vel = Average speed of squid throughout behavioural trial (in centimetres per second) Time_A_s = Time squid spent in Zone A (3 cm closest to the mirror) throughout the behavioural trial (in seconds) Soft_touch = Whether the squid touched the mirror softly with it's arm tips throughout the behavioural trial (Two levels: 0 (did not touch), 1 (touched at least once)) Soft_touch_no. = Number of times squid touched the mirror softly with it's arm tips throughout the behavioural trial Aggressive_touch = Whether the squid touched the mirror aggressively throughout the behavioural trial (Two levels: 0 (did not touch), 1 (touched at least once)) Aggressive_touch_no. = Number of times squid touched the mirror aggressively throughout the behavioural trial